I recently came across a quote in an article in a meditation, Buddhist journal that really struck me.  I would like to share it with you.   The quote was by the author Pema Chodron of the amazing book “When Things Fall Apart,” which as an aside I would recommend to people going through hard times.  I’m not going to remember the quote verbatim, but the gist of it was that being awake and fully present is like being a bird repeatedly thrown out of the nest.  This resonated with me.  I thought, “This is so true! What a great metaphor!  This captures being awake and fully present!”

Things out of our control moment to moment within and without arise and throw us out of our comfortable nests we are very attached to.  Stressful events and circumstances, difficult thoughts, and painful emotions and physical sensations are all things that can throw us out and into a free fall.  The task is to sprout wings and learn how to fly so that we can soar as peacefully, happily, and playfully through the mild to intense discomfort and unease we may experience in life.  Spiritual practices like meditation help with this.  Engaging in regular therapy also helps with this.  My intention for my work with you and all of my patients is to help you grow your wings, learn how to fly, and then learn how to soar through the unsettling experiences in life that throw you out of your nest.

Further explore Mindfulness Meditation with Marram Plapp.