About All Is Well Therapy

I founded my private practice “All Is Well Therapy” with the realization that somehow, beyond comprehension, all is truly well.  This realization graced me along my ever-unfolding journey of Kundalini and spiritual awakening.  It has brought me a sense of peace.  The name “All is Well Therapy” is a reminder to me of this peace.  It sets the intention of how I orient myself in my therapeutic work with my patients.  I consider myself a spiritual seeker, alchemist, mystic, or yogi before I consider myself a therapist.  My first intention as a therapist is to work from this direct experience and knowing of peace beyond the limits of words, the mind, and the self.  My second intention as a therapist is to work from a position anchored in my professional education and training.  My wish for you and all who pass through the doors of  “All Is Well Therapy” is that a seed is planted, and that you come to know and experience in some way that all is truly well even if it doesn’t seem like it.

In the meantime, I recognize that if you are seeking therapy you more than likely don’t feel like all is truly well right now. I can relate to this, because I have definitely been there. Maybe you felt like all was well, or at least well enough, at some point in your life. Or, maybe you have never truly felt this way and long to.  In our work together I meet you with the understanding that…

Even though you feel like a bad person you are a good person

Even though you feel broken you are whole

Even though you feel lost you are in the process of being found

If you feel you are falling apart you are falling back together

If you feel darkness it is because there is also light

If there is internal noise it is because there is also silence

If you feel hatred it is because there is capacity for love

If you feel anger it is because there is capacity for peace

The only thing wrong is believing something is wrong

I will hold and keep the candle burning if you cannot right now. We all need help sometimes.  My hope is that you move towards, discover, or return to your personal, unique state of being that all is well, whatever your version of all is well looks like and means to you.