If you are on a path of spiritual awakening or enlightenment counseling can be helpful and supportive to your process and become a part of your spiritual journey. The focus of therapy then becomes explicitly about untangling from and dissolving the ego instead of strengthening the ego as in traditional counseling. It also becomes about managing any “negative” effects of your spiritual awakening in particular if it is through Kundalini. In our sessions together we may focus on the following:

  • Inquiring into the nature of the self and existence, and discerning what is truth and what is illusion about your experience of who you are
  • Inquiring into what is truly constant
  • Developing an awareness of the mental, emotional, and behavioral egoic patterns that form your sense of self that suffers, which will allow you to more easily detach from, witness this self in action, and dissolve these conditionings
  • Un-align with false stories and narratives about yourself and increase alignment with truth
  • Strengthen trust in the unknown and surrendering to the unknown
  • Increasing comfort with not knowing, and reducing the grasping nature of needing to know and asking why
  • Strengthening witness consciousness
  • Strengthening non-judgment and acceptance of the present moment, and the ability to be in the present moment with what’s arising
  • Exploring the nature of the mind, and inquiring into what the mind is
  • Dropping down from the mind into the heart and body, and increasing subtler and subtler embodiment of thoughts, feelings, physical sensations, and energy, and opening to the mystery within
  • Increasing internal stillness and silence
  • Psychic, supernatural, and mystical phenomenon, and letting these things go
  • Centering and grounding
  • Meditating together and sharing the present moment
  • And more

Everyone’s spiritual awakening through Kundalini is different. No two are exactly alike. Some people prepare for and intentionally awaken Kundalini through various means. For other people Kundalini awakens without them preparing for it and intending to awaken it. You may know that you have active Kundalini that is responsible for what you are experiencing. Or, you may have no idea that you have active Kundalini that is responsible for what you are experiencing, and perhaps only realize it at another point your life. You may have a gentler or rougher opening, a gradual or faster opening, or some combination of these. You may experience any number or combination of the classical signs of awakened Kundalini such as seeing inner lights, hearing inner sounds, having dreams of snakes and fire, having dreams with religious and spiritual symbolism, feeling heat or cold flood a chakra, feeling heat up the spine, feeling painless or painful heat and rhythmic energy in the base of the spine, feeling energy within that trembles and shakes like an earthquake, spontaneous body movements and postures (Kriyas), intense fear, intense grief, intense anger, bliss, absence of thought, entering Samadhi states, experiencing an energetic flame over a chakra, a sense of downloading or being imparted with immediate and complete knowledge of something, and many more.

People need different things at different points along their path of spiritual awakening. You may feel called to solitude, to be in nature, to be single and not in a romantic relationship, to abstain from or have lots of sex, to live in an ashram, or to return to the world and integrate your experience after a long period of solitude. You may feel a need to shift the focus of your life, and center it around your spiritual path. You may be drawn to experiencing and learning anything you can about self-realization and spiritual awakening through Kundalini by attending spiritual retreats and trainings, reading books, scouring the web for information, or seeking out spiritual teachers. You may feel drawn to adjust your diet, adjust your sleep and rest, eliminate TV watching, increase or decrease exercise, or increase or decrease your meditation and yoga practice.

Spiritual awakening through Kundalini is one of the most radical and amazing human experiences. People respond to it differently depending upon their experience. You may be in a place where you think it’s the one of hardest or worst things that’s ever happened to you, maybe even that it’s something evil, and actually may want Kundalini to stop and go away. Or, you may feel like it’s a blessing, and that this is what you have been waiting for your entire life. Awakening can feel like you’re dying (ego death), and simultaneously like you are being completely transformed and reborn. As the veil lifts and everything as you know it gets turned upside down, you realize that everything you have been longing and searching for has been here all along. You may want to tell people about it, because it can be so extraordinary and life-changing, and your hope for them is that they can also experience something so positively life-altering. Through no fault of their own, though, it can be hard for people not undergoing a spiritual awakening through Kundalini to understand it, because it is so far outside the experience of everyday life. Sometimes people may respond positively or neutrally to you sharing. But, sometimes people may take you sharing the wrong way, and respond negatively. You may also not want to talk about it all. The experience can feel very personal, and be difficult to talk about and describe. Perhaps you are concerned about judgment from others, and are afraid of what people will think. Sometimes the only place where people talk about their spiritual awakening through Kundalini is in counseling.

Wherever you are on your path of spiritual awakening through Kundalini, we will go with the flow of Mother-Shakti-Kundalini, and use your sessions however you best see fit to meet your needs of support at this time. If you are going through a spiritual awakening in another way other than through Kundalini, or if you are not undergoing a spiritual awakening and spirituality is important to you and currently at the forefront of your life in some way, I welcome you to reach out to me. I am interested in all forms of spiritual awakenings and spirituality as I view them all as valid paths to experience and know truth.