Bibliotherapy is often an adjunct or integral part of the therapeutic journey. Here are some recommendations I frequently make:

Overwhelming Thoughts & Feelings: Depression & Anxiety

“The Expanded Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Training Manual” by Lane Pederson & Cortney Sidwell Pederson

“The Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Workbook” by Matthew McKay, Jeffrey Wood, & Jeffrey Brantley

“Calming the Emotional Storm” by Sheri Van Dijk


“Self-Esteem” by Matthew McKay & Patrick Fanning

“The Self-Esteem Workbook” by Glenn Schiraldi

Sexual Trauma:

“The Sexual Healing Journey” by Wendy Maltz

“The Courage to Heal” by Ellen Bass & Laura Davis

“The Courage to Heal Workbook” by Laura Davis

“The Body Keeps the Score” by Bessel Van Der Kolk


“Getting Past the Affair” by Douglas Snyder, Donald Baucom, & Kristina Gordon

“After the Affair” by Janis Spring

“Not Just Friends” by Shirley Glass

Tantra & Tantra Influenced:

“Introduction to Tibetan Buddhism” by John Powers

“Sexual Secrets: The Alchemy of Ecstasy” by Nik Douglas & Penny Slinger

“Sexual Energy Ecstasy: A Practical Guide to Lovemaking Secrets of the East and West” by David Ramsdale

“Tantra: The Art of Conscious Loving” by Charles and Caroline Muir

“The Heart of Tantric Sex: A Unique Guide to Love and Sexual Fulfillment” by Diana Richardson

“The Art of Sexual Ecstasy” by Margot Anand

“Sex, Sorcery, & Spirit” by Jason Miller

“Tantra Illuminated: The Philosophy, History, & Practice of a Timeless Tradition” by Christopher D Wallis

(*Please note that what is referred to as “Tantra” in the West is actually “Tantra influenced” or “Neo-Tantra”.  It is not the pure lineage known as Tantra in the East that has an entire multi-limb system to perfect the subtle body and transform sexual energy into wisdom and the realization of emptiness that is our true nature as human beings. The true Tantric path requires following the whole system, having a Guru, and receiving a transmission from a Guru to practice it. Anything calling itself “Tantra” in the West is going to lack complete information on the practice and would not be recognized as authentic Tantra by the properly initiated.)


“More Than Two” by Franklin Veaux & Eve Rickert

“The Ethical Slut” by Dossie Easton and Janet Hardy

“The Jealousy Workbook” by Kathy Labriola

Male Sexuality:

“The New Male Sexuality” by Bernie Zilbergeld

Premature Ejaculation:

“Coping with Premature Ejaculation” by Michael Metz & Barry McCarthy

Erectile Dysfunction:

“Coping with Erectile Dysfunction” by Michael Metz & Barry McCarthy


“Fighting for Your Marriage” by Howard Markman, Scott Stanely, & Susan Blumberg

“The 5 Love Languages “ by Gary Chapman

“The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work” by John Gottman

“Passionate Marriage” by David Schnarch

Sexual Desire:

“Enduring Desire” by Michael Metz & Barry McCarthy

“Rekindling Desire” by Barry McCarthy & Emily McCarthy

“Intimacy & Desire” by David Schnarch

“The Sex-Starved Marriage” by Michele Weiner Davis

Female Sexuality:

“For Yourself” by Lonnie Barbach

“Female Ejaculation & the G-Spot” by Deborah Sundahl

“Women’s Anatomy of Arousal” by Sheri Winston

“Women’s Experiences of the Sexual Relationship at the Age of Onset of Female Ejaculation” by Marram Plapp.


“Guide to Getting it On” by Paul Joannides


“Wherever You Go There You Are” by Jon Kabat-Zinn

“The Miracle of Mindfulness” by Tich Nhat Hanh

Kundalini Awakening:

“Kundalini: The Arousal of the Inner Energy” by Ajit Mookejee

“Kundalini Rising: Exploring the Energy of Awakening”

“Kundalini: The Evolutionary Energy in Man” by Gopi Krishna

“Kundalini Tantra” by Swami Satyananda Saraswati

“Kundalini—From Hell to Heaven” by Ganga Karmokar

“The Kundalini Guide” by Bonnie Greenwell

“Energies of Transformation” by Bonnie Greenwell

“Awakening Kundalini: The Path to Radical Freedom” by Lawrence Edwards

Kundalini Research Network (KRN):

Spiritual Awakening:

“I Am That” by Nisargadatta Maharaj

“How to Practice Self Inquiry” by Ramana Maharshi

“Be as You Are: The Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi” by Sri Ramana Maharshi

“Who Am I?: The Teachings of Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi” by Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi

“Autobiography of a Yogi” by Paramahansa Yogananda

“The Power of Now” by Eckhart Tolle

Eckhart Tolle:

“The Way of Liberation” by Adyashanti

“Falling Into Grace” by Adyashanti

“The End of Your World” by Adyashanti

“Emptiness Dancing” by Adyashanti


“Loving What Is” by Byron Katie

Byron Katie:


“The Awakening Guide” by Bonnie Greenwell

Bonnie Greenwell:

Spiritual Emergence Network (SEN):